There are many different explanations as to the origin
of the earth and of species. Three of the most common explanations are
that life was carried to earth by extraterrestrial origin, the earth was made by
a creator or supreme being, and evolution, where life may have evolved from
inanimate matter. Evolution is studied because it is based on
science. In this unit, students are taught to have an understanding of the
concepts of evolution.
| The Darwin-Wallace theory of evolution |
| The ways that Charles Darwin gathered evidence and
formed ideas |
| The Hardy-Weinburg law |
| Mechanisms that can lead to genetic variation in a
population |
| Speciation with convergent evolution |
| Adaptation |
| Consider all the possibilities of the origin of the
earth. Go into this unit with an open mind, ready to learn. |
| Keep in mind that this theory has changed over the
years, and different scientists have proposed different concepts. |
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