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The second unit in OAC Biology is Energy and the Living Cell.  In this unit you will learn the relationships between structure and function in cell membranes and mitochondria.  Another key concept is learning how scientific models help to visualize the functions of cell organelles.


Explaining a model of the cell membrane.  

Explain the effect of temperature, pH, and the type of concentration of solute on the movement of materials through cell membranes and predict the direction of particle movements across membranes.

The first and second laws of thermodynamics

The synthesis of ATP and its use in the cell

Cellular respiration: including glycolysis, oxidation of pyruvate, and the citric acid cycle. 

Various terms.

Helpful Hints:

I find this unit to be one of the more challenging units of OAC Biology.  Understanding the concepts is very important.  It is a lot easier to understand how cycles work, than to try to memorize them.  Since this unit is big, it's hard to learn all the important concepts.  Do your best to understand the unit.

Another important concept to understand is types of reactions.  Different types of reactions occur throughout all the cycles of cellular respiration.  It is important to understand and identify the different kind of reactions.

Take the Following Links to Learn More:

Quick Summary of the Unit


Sample Questions
